5 Reasons Why Charitable Gifting is Integral in a Prosperous Community

“When you're in a position to have gotten so much, the gift at this point is giving back.”

Community is our passion. This is one of the core values that drive Beacon Family Office at Assante Financial Management Ltd. every single day. We’re fortunate as we also see this same value of giving back and investing in community in all our clients. Generational philanthropy is something that many high net-worth families weave into the core of who they are and the legacy they’re building. Continuing to raise generations of compassionate humans is how we can and will bring more compassion and much-needed constructive change to this world.  

Our role as family stewards provides us with an opportunity to teach our children the value of giving back to the community and making a lasting impact on their lives and the lives of others. It’s here that families are able to leave a legacy of benevolence and social responsibility, cultivated through a mentality of giving and adhering to philanthropic values and practices. 

It’s simply a matter of raising the rising generation to embrace philanthropy as they become more integrated into the family office itself.

Building a Culture of Generosity: Instilling Philanthropic Values in Families

Teaching the spirit of goodwill into family values is essential to raising generations of philanthropists. When generosity is deeply ingrained in a family’s fundamental values, it paves the way for a lifetime of giving back and making a difference. Families can foster this mindset by engaging in an open discussion about social issues and community needs. By exploring these topics with their children, parents may nurture in them a sense of awareness and responsibility. These discussions can ignite children’s genuine desire to make a difference, encouraging them to think critically about the challenges faced by others. 

We must also remember that children learn by watching. When older generations lead by example, younger generations are learning the deeper impact of philanthropic values and the impact this can have on the greater world around them. When children observe their parents engaging in philanthropy and volunteering – and are encouraged to participate as well, they are more likely to internalize the value of giving back. Participating in philanthropic activities as a family, including sharing ideas on what organizations to support, donate to, and volunteer with, provides children with hands-on experiences that enable them to see the tangible results of their actions. These experiences help to ingrain philanthropy within the next generation, which will impact how they continue this aspect of the family legacy.

Connecting Family Wealth to Purpose: Driving Meaningful Philanthropy Beyond Material Wealth

Connecting family wealth to a larger cause is a critical component of developing philanthropic goals and ideals. It is vital to go beyond the idea that wealth is only for personal gain and instead, emphasize the potential to change the lives of others. Instead, it becomes about what role wealth can play in the grander goals of the family office. 

Establishing a family charitable mission statement is one way to connect wealth to a greater cause. This statement might express the family’s core values, philanthropic aims, and charitable interests. By incorporating all family members in the mission statement creation process, each individual feels a sense of ownership and is more likely to be invested in its implementation. Beyond this, ask the rising generation what causes have meaning for them, allowing them to start connecting the idea of wealth to a solution they can be a part of. This teaches them that generosity is a way of life – the family’s way of life, and they are as responsible as the older generations in carrying out their philanthropic responsibility for the greater good.

Fostering Organic Philanthropy: Cultivating Generosity through Encouragement

Even if philanthropy is a core value of your family, no one can be forced to fulfill philanthropic duties. For this aspect of your legacy to be carried forward, the rising generation must be nurtured and supported in taking on this responsibility to give back. Encouraging future generations to engage in philanthropy requires a delicate balance between autonomy and guidance. It is essential that parents introduce and instill philanthropic values in their children, but it is equally essential that they allow their children the freedom to discover and develop their own sense of purpose and passion; to identify what causes have a deeper meaning for them. Forcing children to perform philanthropic duties may result in resentment or a lack of genuine commitment. Instead, give them opportunities to engage in philanthropy on their own terms in a way that connects to their own deeper purpose.

It’s also important to make them understand that giving is a reciprocal act by emphasizing the positive impact philanthropy has on both the recipient and the giver. Allow them to discover that when they support causes that matter to both themselves and the family, they not only benefit those they support, but gain personal satisfaction, a deeper sense of purpose, and a stronger connection to their community. 

By demonstrating the intrinsic benefits of philanthropy, it is more likely that the next generation will develop a sincere desire to make a difference, rather than an obligation in the name of family legacy. This helps them to develop their sense of self-worth, reinforces the significance of their actions, and ensures that philanthropy remains a meaningful, voluntary choice rather than a duty. Plus, they are more likely to then pass this philanthropic tradition on to their own children. Thus, furthering the impact of the family legacy for generations to come.

Ready to further your multi-generation conversation on philanthropic goals? Contact Beacon Family Office for where to start.

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