Beacon Family Offices Resources

Wealth Management Insights for Deeper Conversations

Building a Thriving Family Business Through Human Capital

Financial performance and a seamless transfer of leadership between generations are common indicators of success in family businesses. However, a crucial element to this seamless transfer is often overlooked—human capital. Human capital refers to each family member’s physical and mental well-being, as well as their ability to pursue individual happiness and fulfillment. Investing in the members who are the company’s

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Time in the Market versus Timing the Market

How Family Offices Are Adapting Their Wealth Strategies Globally

The global economic landscape has undergone significant changes in recent years, bringing with it challenges and opportunities for ultra-high-net-worth (UHNW) family offices seeking to preserve and grow their wealth. They must navigate a complex chain of economic factors, geopolitical risks, and market volatility. In this context, asset allocation has become more critical than ever as family offices strive to build

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5 Ways you Can Better Organize Your Business’s Finances

The Significance of Asset Allocation for Business-Owning Families

One way many Ultra-High-Net-Worth (UHNW) families define success is through the enduring legacy they create. It’s a testament to the tireless effort, unwavering dedication, and strategic decision-making that transformed their family business into a thriving enterprise. But amidst the triumphs and challenges of running a family business, it’s easy to overlook one crucial aspect that can determine the long-term stability

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Outgoing Leaders: The Overlooked Element of Succession Planning

In many of today’s family businesses, outgoing leaders are often faced with unclear expectations and roles as they begin to transition out of the company. This ambiguity can leave them feeling undervalued and uncertain about their place in the family, business, or even their community. They may experience a sense of loss as they transition away from central decision-making roles,

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Navigating the Emotions of Your Family Leadership Transition

In many family businesses, a significant emphasis is placed on preparing the next generation of leaders for success, ensuring they have the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources to lead the organization into the future. Extensive time and effort are invested in preparing successors, developing their leadership capabilities, and familiarizing them with the intricacies of the business. However, an equally important,

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Planning the Right Exit Strategy

Exit Planning Strategies for Business Owners

As a business owner, you’ve poured your energy into building a successful enterprise. But what happens when it’s time to close the chapter on building and running your business? Whether you’re ready to sell your business or transition ownership to a family member, exit planning is a crucial step that mustn’t be overlooked. The plan you choose will have far-reaching

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