5 Ways you Can Better Organize Your Business’s Finances

The Significance of Asset Allocation for Business-Owning Families

One way many Ultra-High-Net-Worth (UHNW) families define success is through the enduring legacy they create. It’s a testament to the tireless effort, unwavering dedication, and strategic decision-making that transformed their family business into a thriving enterprise. But amidst the triumphs and challenges of running a family business, it’s easy to overlook one crucial aspect that can determine the long-term stability and prosperity of this legacy: asset allocation. When a significant portion of your family’s wealth is tied up in business, it can leave you vulnerable to the unpredictable tides of the market and the economy.

Imagine a ship setting sail on a vast ocean with all its cargo stowed in a single hold. If the waters remain calm and the winds are favourable, the journey may be smooth sailing. But what happens when a storm hits and the waves threaten to overturn the vessel? Just as a wise captain would distribute the cargo across multiple compartments to maintain balance and mitigate risk, a wise UHWN family steward must consider the strategic diversification of the family’s assets.

Understanding Asset Allocation

Asset allocation is the foundation of a well-balanced investment portfolio. It involves distributing your investments across different asset classes in a way that aligns with your financial goals, risk tolerance, family values, and time horizon. Each asset class has its own characteristics and responds differently to market conditions. For example, stocks are generally considered to be higher-risk, typically offering the potential for higher returns, while bonds are lower-risk but provide more modest returns.

Diversifying your investments offers several key advantages. If one asset class underperforms, others may compensate, helping to stabilize your returns over time. This is crucial for business-owning families because a variety of outside factors, such as the state of the economy, industry trends, and competitive pressures, can impact your company’s success.

In addition to risk reduction, diversification has the potential to enhance returns. Depending on market conditions – and other factors – different asset classes tend to perform well at different times. By investing in a mix of assets, you can potentially capture gains in various market environments and avoid the pitfalls of a concentrated investment strategy. This can help you build wealth over time and achieve your long-term financial goals.

Reinvestment Temptation and Future Business Success

There is an inherent allure to reinvest the majority of one’s profits back into the business, particularly when the returns on investment surpass those of expectation. However, while reinvesting in your company is important for growth, it’s equally crucial to allocate a portion of your wealth to other asset classes.

A real-life example of a business owner who found success through diversification is billionaire investor Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway’s CEO and Chairman. One of the timeless investment lessons he shares in his annual letters to shareholders is about diversifying your investment.

He notes that while focusing on a few high-quality investments can be a successful strategy, it also exposes investors to heightened risk if those investments fail to perform as expected. Furthermore, Buffett stresses the importance of maintaining liquidity and flexibility in one’s financial position. By allocating a portion of your wealth to more liquid assets, such as stocks or bonds, business owners position themselves to have resources available to seize new opportunities or navigate unexpected challenges should/when they occur.

Liquidity for Ownership Succession

Having outside assets is particularly important when it comes to ownership succession planning. As a UHNW business family, you likely have a vision for the future of your company, whether that involves passing it down to the next generation or eventually selling it to a third party. In either case, having diversified assets can provide the necessary liquidity to facilitate a smooth transition.

Consider the scenario of passing your business on to your children. If most of your wealth is tied up in the business, your heirs may struggle to raise the necessary funds to buy out other family members or pay estate taxes. This can lead to financial strain and potentially force the sale of the business under unfavourable conditions. By having a portion of your wealth in liquid assets outside of the company, you can help guide a more seamless transfer of ownership and protect your family’s legacy.

Similarly, if you decide to sell your business, having diversified assets can provide flexibility and negotiating power. You’ll be able to approach potential buyers from a position of strength, knowing that you have the financial resources to wait for the right offer and terms. This can help you maximize the value of your business and ensure a successful exit on your own terms.

At Beacon Family Office of Assante Financial Management Ltd., we work with many UHNW business-oriented families, and there’s one thing they all have in common. They are passionate about their business and want to continue to see it grow and succeed. We suspect that you are no different – passionate and committed to success. Because of this, remember that your asset management abilities have a significant impact on the expansion and success of your business, in addition to your determination and diligence.

If you’re curious about how asset allocation fits into your family business or wealth transfer, connect with us today.

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